
Find the answers to the most frequently asked questions on products, orders, shipping times, payment methods, and more.

On sisley.com you can find an extensive selection of products from our women, men and kids catalogues, as well as special collections and online exclusives. There are new items coming in all the time, so be sure to visit us often!

For each product, you will find a detailed description of the style and materials, as well as wash and care information. You will also find a link to our Size Guide, in order to check the conversion of the Italian size to your local size system.

We will send you an email with the tracking number for your order once the package has been shipped. You can use the tracking number on the carrier's website to check for delivery updates. Registered customers can also follow their order from their account: just log in and go to the 'Orders' page, where you will find all information regarding your online purchases.

Once the order has been placed, it is no longer possibile to modify or delete it. However, you can return any items for a full refund after delivery. If you notice you have made a mistake in the shipping address or any other delivery-related information, please contact our Customer Care as soon as possible.

It's easy: add the products you wish to buy to your shopping bag (either from the product page or from your Wishlist). During checkout, you will be able to check and modify the items you are purchasing if you change your mind. The contents of your Shopping Bag and your order total will always be clearly visibile. After entering your shipping address and choosing the payment method, you will be asked to complete your order by clicking on 'Purchase now'. We will immediately send you an email with a recap of your purchase. Registered users will also be able to check their order details in their account.

You don't need to register to complete your purchase: we will only ask you for an email (to send you order updates) and a valid shipping address. Registering speeds up checkout by allowing you to save your shipping addresses, plus you will be able to check your order details and delivery updates on sisley.com. You will also receive our exclusive news and special promotions - so why not register now!

We offer various payment methods to meet your needs: you can find the complete list on the Payments information page.

Yes, the prices you see on the website and your order total already include taxes.

Promotional Codes are special discounts we sometimes send out through our Newsletters. All the conditions of use for the discount will be included in the Newsletter. To take advantage of the Promotional Code on sisley.com, all you have to do is enter the code in your shopping bag before completing the purchase. The discount will be immediately calculated and displayed.

There are various possible reasons: we suggest you check that the card or payment method associated with your account have not expired. Please also check that you've entered the numbers and data correctly, including the expiry date and CVV. If you continue to experience this issue, we suggest you change your payment method and contact your bank for further information.

See in the list of Countries we ship to. Remember to select the Country where you want your order delivered: the items in your shopping bag and Wishlist will no longer be available if you change Country while shopping.

You can choose between different shipping methods at checkout, according to the delivery Country: see all the available options on the Shipping page. If you choose payment through Wire Transfer, please consider that shipping times start from the day on which the payment is received by our bank (this can be up to 3 days after you send the wire transfer).

As the courier will request a signature, it's important to choose an address where you or someone else will be available during office hours (for example at a concierge or office address). If no-one is available to receive the order, the courier will leave a note with a contact number. If you need any help organising the delivery, please don't hesitate to contact our Customer Care.

We will send you an email with the tracking number for your order once the package has been shipped. You can use the tracking number on the carrier's website to check for delivery updates. Registered customers can also follow their order from their account: just log in and go to the 'Orders' page, where you will find all information regarding your online purchases.

You have 14 days to request a return if you prefer not to keep the items you've purchased, whatever the reason. Requesting a return is simple and always free: you will find all information printed inside your order box, and also on this page: Easy and free returns.

All returned items will be refunded through the payment method you chose for your order. The refund will correspond to the final price you paid for the item. We are committed to ensuring your refund is processed as quickly as possible. Once the products arrive at our warehouse, we will take up to a maximum of 14 working days to check that all return conditions have been met. Accepted returns will be refunded shortly after. We will keep you updated throughout this process by email. Please consider the time necessary for the credit to show on your account may vary according to banking procedures and to the payment method you chose.

We cannot refund any extra duties or import taxes you local Customs office may have requested at delivery. Please consider these fees are not requested nor collected by sisley.com. We suggest you contact your local authorities or the carrier for further information before you ship your return.

We're sorry, but returns for orders placed online cannot be delivered to our physical stores. Remember the online return procedure is really quick, and totally free: read more in our Easy and free returns section.

By creating an account, you gain access to:
- quicker checkout
- easy order tracking directly from sisley.com
- saving your shipping addresses and personal details for future purchases
- exclusive promotions, news and latest arrivals (if you choose to subscribe to our Newsletter during sign up)

Click on the account icon at the top right of the web site, select "Register" and complete the form. You will have immediate access to all the advantages of your new account.

Click on 'Forgotten your password?' and enter the email address you registered with. We will send you a link for choosing a new password.

Finding the store nearest you is easy: go to our store locator, select your Country and your city to narrow your search.

If you'd like to work with us please visit this page: benettongroup.com/it/lavora-con-noi. You can check the current openings, or even spontaneously send us your application. Many of our stores are operated by independent retailers, which is why we advise directly contacting the store in your city and asking the manager if there are open positions. Don't forget to bring along your resume!

We are delighted that you wish to join the Sisley family by opening a new store. To receive more information, we suggest contacting our customer service that deals specifically with this issue by sending an email to customer.care@sisley.com.

For assistance regarding a purchase made in-store, you can contact customer.care@sisley.com. Our Online Customer Care provides support exclusively for inquiries regarding the online shop and has no information on physical stores.

Sisley Black Club è il nuovo programma loyalty a 3 livelli di Sisley che ti permette di accumulare punti nei negozi aderenti o online (previo log-in) e di accedere a una serie di vantaggi esclusivi e offerte speciali dedicate ai members. Puoi consultare qui i termini e condizioni.

Puoi iscriverti gratuitamente presso uno dei negozi Sisley aderenti oppure online richiedendo l'iscrizione al programma. Se hai già sottoscritto la Black Card sei automaticamente parte del Sisley Black Club.

Ottieni 1 punto per ogni 1€ speso nei negozi aderenti o online previo login.
I punti maturati tramite acquisti online rimarranno congelati per tutto il periodo in cui è possibile effettuare un reso. Allo scadere di tale periodo i punti diventeranno automaticamente effettivi. Per maggiori informazioni consulta i termini e condizioni.

Il livello è definito dall'ammontare di punti effettivi accumulati. Ad ogni livello corrispondono vantaggi crescenti:
- Lounge: da 0 a 199 punti
- Privé: da 200 a 799 punti
- Rooftop: da 800 punti

Welcome Bonus pari al 15% di sconto se si effettua il primo acquisto entro 14 giorni dall'attivazione dell'iscrizione.
Ogni 200 punti riceverai buoni sconto del valore di 10€ o 15€, in base al livello di appartenenza, da utilizzare su acquisti successivi. Sono utilizzabili nei negozi aderenti oppure online con validità di 60 giorni dalla data di emissione.
Birthday Bonus pari al 15% o 20%, in base al livello di appartenenza. E’ utilizzabile tra il 7° giorno precedente ed il 7° giorno successivo alla data del proprio compleanno nei negozi aderenti o online.

I buoni sconto da 10€ e 15€, maturati al raggiungimento dei 200 punti, sono spendibili su articoli a prezzo pieno su una spesa minima pari almeno al doppio del valore dello/degli stesso/i. Sono cumulabili tra di loro ma non possono essere utilizzati con altre tipologie di voucher a valore o percentuale né sono utilizzabili su promozioni in corso, pre-saldi e saldi. Sono utilizzabili nei negozi aderenti oppure online previo log-in selezionandoli direttamente al check-out.

No, non sono cumulabili tra di loro né con altri voucher, né sono utilizzabili su promozioni in corso, pre-saldi e saldi.

Puoi verificarli accedendo alla My Area effettuando il log-in, cliccando su “VEDI DI PIU’”. Per accedere dovrai inserire l'email utilizzata per l'iscrizione e password. Se non ricordi la tua password clicca "Dimenticato la password?" ed esegui la procedura.

Sì, per maggiori dettagli, puoi consultare qui i termini e condizioni.

Sì, l'utilizzo della Gift Card come metodo di pagamento in-store, correttamente associato al profilo cliente, dà diritto ad accumulare punti. Viceversa il solo acquisto di una Gift Card non genera accredito punti.

No, se effettui un reso nei negozi aderenti, viene emesso un buono da reso e il tuo saldo punti rimarrà invariato. Potrai utilizzare il buono da reso come metodo di pagamento sul tuo prossimo acquisto, ti verranno accreditati solamente eventuali punti eccedenti il buono da reso utilizzato.

Per eventuali domande relative a Sisley Black Club puoi contattarci all’indirizzo blackcard@sisley.com

Potrai cancellare in qualsiasi momento la tua iscrizione dal programma contattando l'indirizzo blackcard@sisley.com


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